Category Archives: My News

I’m back. 

buy Latuda online forum I’ve been gone a long while. The reasons for my sabbatical are many, but not so interesting in list form. So I’ll fill in the gaps over time. For now, I’m happy to be here and if anyone else happens … Continue reading

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It’s a girl!

can i buy generic Lyrica This year we have had three holiday calves: a Valentine’s calf (Little Billy), an Easter calf, and now, a Thanksgiving calf! Meet Mayflower, whose name was suggested by clever calf auntie Kelly DiPucchio! Okay, she didn’t arrive exactly on Thanksgiving, … Continue reading

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Retreat! Advance!

I had been hoping to schedule a writing retreat all summer, but between pigs and kids and uncertain vacation plans, it wasn’t coming together. But as we headed (mournfully) into the last couple of weeks before Labor Day, it happened! … Continue reading

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Pig News Channel

In response to popular demand, I’m loading piglet videos on my youtube channel. Here’s a sample:

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