Young Writers’ Workshops

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Bothell Writers’ Workshops are most successful when participants have time for one-on-one interactions with the workshop leader and with their peers. Therefore, I’m no longer doing large group workshops for students. An ideal group would be 30 or fewer, but I am willing to be somewhat flexible (for example, combining two classes) if and only if an interested adult will lead the workshop with me. The adult’s enthusiasm is contagious, having a familiar teacher doing hands-on work helps with discipline, and having two adults means all the students can have quality interactions and guidance. Workshops should last at leat one hour. Workshops are most effective when students participate in an exercise one day, have some thinking and digesting time, and have a second session (or several) where they can clarify concepts, refine their work, and dig deeper. I structure the workshops according to how many sessions we’ll have together. Some will involve “homework.” I love it when a workshop can include a little time outdoors on a sensory excursion. A ballpark price for writers’ workshop is $200 per session.

For schools that want to engage many classes with writers’ workshops, I suggest having a staff training. Depending on how much time you have, teachers can participate in several exercises to see how they work, experience the participants’ perspective, ask questions about challenging elements of teaching creative writing, and acquire tools and tips for motivating, evaluating, and sharing student work. I suggest a 2-hour session minimum, with a ballpark price of $300-400 depending on the number of participants and scope of the session.

I also do large-group sessions that touch on technical aspects of writing in a more “entertaining” way. (Which isn’t to say my workshops aren’t entertaining, but that students primarily be observing demonstrations of techniques rather than practicing skills!) For author presentations for large group, please see my School Visits page.

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