Tag Archives: cows

It’s a girl!

http://cjni.com/what-i-saw-at-the-caucus/?share=facebook This year we have had three holiday calves: a Valentine’s calf (Little Billy), an Easter calf, and now, a Thanksgiving calf! Meet Mayflower, whose name was suggested by clever calf auntie Kelly DiPucchio! Okay, she didn’t arrive exactly on Thanksgiving, … Continue reading

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where to buy priligy in london Our sweet cow, Susie, hasn’t gotten pregnant since having her first calf, Wally, a year and a half ago. The vet told us that her plumbing might make it hard for her to get pregnant again, so we were considering … Continue reading

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Field Trips

I used to plan field trips for preschoolers. Now I host them! A long, long time ago (okay, 15 years) in a galaxy far, far away (actually, just down the road), I was a preschool teacher. Our worst field trip … Continue reading

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