Tag Archives: vintage books

Favorite Things Friday: Yearbook Notes

Hellersdorf I am a sucker for an inscription. I like to see who gave a book to whom, and why. I like to know who dog-eared a book’s pages or underlined certain passages; who left a shopping list or pressed a flower between … Continue reading

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Vintage Advice: Bird Homes

fore Birds at Home written by Marguerite Henry illustrated by Jacob Bates Abbott 1942 Strictly speaking, this isn’t a how-to or self-help book. But it does offer plenty of suggestions (some helpful, some not so much, read further…) about birds in … Continue reading

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Vintage Advice: Secrets of Charm

Secrets of Charm, by John Robert Powers and Mary Sue Miller Art by Georgia Bloch (John C. Winston Company, 1954) Nota bene: this book deserves several visits. I will spread them out among other vintage advice posts, however, because I … Continue reading

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