Author Archives: Hope

Favorite Things Friday (Wednesday Edition): Cheerful Cars I have always loved a cheerful car. There are a couple in Ann Arbor with plastic dinosaurs and toys all over them. There are also some spectacular custom paint jobs. When we lived in Milan, there was an awesome, junky ice … Continue reading

Posted in Crafty, Favorite Things Friday, Funstuff, Life | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Vintage Advice: Here’s How to Be Healthy

Here’s How to Be Healthy Bengamin Gayelord Hauser Tempo Books, Inc. 1934 Poor complexion? Lethargy? Slow stomach? Indigestion? Weight loss or gain? (cue the trumpets…) Never fear, Gayelord Hauser is here! Most vintage recipe or health books and pamphlets seem … Continue reading

Posted in Food, Funstuff, Vintage Advice | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Favorite Things Friday: Halloween!

So it’s the day after Halloween. But I have been thinking about this post for weeks. That counts, right? Also, there may be a follow-up post when my missing pics surface in the (hopefully) near future. You have been warned… Halloween is … Continue reading

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Favorite Things Friday: Buttons!

I don’t know where the picture is, at the moment, but there is at least one photo documenting one of my favorite childhood pleasures: playing with buttons from our button jar. We sorted, counted, traded, grouped, admired, and made art … Continue reading

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