Tag Archives: collections

Favorite Things Wednesday: Vintage Photos, volume 2

buy provigil prescription I have earlier mentioned my affection for old photos. Even though I am downsizing my household and generally trying to be a thoughtful curator, I keep picking up new ones. Here are my justifications for continuing to collect snapshots of … Continue reading

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Favorite Things Friday: Buttons!

http://prepaid365awards.co.uk/buy-cheap-lamictal-online/ I don’t know where the picture is, at the moment, but there is at least one photo documenting one of my favorite childhood pleasures: playing with buttons from our button jar. We sorted, counted, traded, grouped, admired, and made art … Continue reading

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Favorite Things Friday: Tiny Chairs

So I actually like all kinds of tiny furniture, but I have a particular affinity for tiny chairs. I don’t know why chairs are at the top of the heap. (Note to self: look up chairs in a dream symbolism … Continue reading

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